Hawaii LTC - Caring Across Generations

We are proud to announce the launch of the CREATIVE CARE COUNCIL! LEARN MORE


A Long-Term Care Plan for Hawai‘i

Making it possible for everyone in Hawai‘i to care for their kupuna.

Why care for our kūpuna?

Hawaiʻi has the chance to set an example for the rest of the country when it comes to caring for our kūpuna (“elders,” in Hawaiʻian) and their caregivers. With local advocates and allies, we’ve been working to pass the Kūpuna Caregivers Program, which would help pay for extra in-home care and assistance for working families.

Kūpuna Caregivers will help make long-term care for our kūpuna more affordable and provide the helping hand caregivers so desperately need. Find out more on the campaign website.

Go to careforourkupuna.com